User Guide

The idea behind this page is to have a common site for sharing useful information. All members of epf have write access to this page.

i) Information/solutions to problems that one member considers to be of use to others. The information should be placed under the correct heading (linux, geant,..), and with a pointer to the email of the writer. The contribution can contain pointers to more information about the subject or even files (e.g. kumac-files) placed in the directory /websider/epf/epf_local_dir/ (as explained below). (It is preferable to point to files in one's own home-directory rather than fill the common area?) The writer should feel obliged to update information placed on the page.
ii) Questions from a member to the group, e.g. "How can one do recursive calls in FORTRAN". Such questions should be placed at the top of the document (below the 'contents'). and with a pointer to the email of the writer. The writer is responsible for updating his contributions. In the case of questions this implies removing the question if found to be irrelevant or when an answer is found. If the answer is interesting to others, it should be rephrased into a solution and filed under one of the headings (or into a new one).

The page is located at /websider/epf/epf_local.html
All members have write access. (Possible problem if one member is editing the file and another tries?) Any files to accompany the contribution are to be placed in /websider/epf/epf_local_dir/. (But links to one's home directory is usually preferred? No, not always.)

History of Changes

27 Sept 2001: The structure has changed. To simplify the search for keywords using Netscape, 'all' information is now contained in one file (index.html), instead of having different subdirectories for the various categories. If a contribution requires much text, it may be an idea to state only the main points in index.html, and then give the link to a separate file placed in /websider/epf/epf_local_dir/ or in one's home directory.
The new structure is the following: At the top of the main file (index.html), there is a list of categories (root, pythia,..) as before. Contributions to these categories are found further down in the document, first the category "General", then "root" etc. Clicking on a category brings you to the relevant place in the document. Contributions are placed chronologically within each category. The category "General" is meant to contain all the contributions which are not naturally placed under any of the other categories. When needed, new categories can be made. Relevant contributions under "General" should then be moved to the new category.
Børge has taken the responsibility to see to it that this page, which all contributors maintain, are updated and have a well suited form.
27 Feb 2003: Instead of having a question section under each category as earlier, there is now a common question category at the top.
28 Feb 2003: Due to problems with Netscape7 the epf_local has been turned into a regular web page and moved to /websider/epf/epf_local_html. Many of the links which earlier pointed to our home directories are no longer reachable. The files have therefore been copied to /websider/epf/epf_local_dir/. This is the place to put such files (at least as long as the we have problems with Netscape).

Suggestions concerning considerable structural changes should be directed to Børge
Last modified: Fri Feb 28 17:13:16 CET 2003