EPF Outreach   (Guidelines for this page)


2004 ---(CERN 50 years)---
Feb 12: Start of this document
Mar 11: Open Day (the whole University)
May 18: Presentation of the Subatomic group (lectures) to potential new students
Jun 7-8: Transit of Venus (Frognerparken)
Sep 17-26: Forskningsdagane ('Days of Science')

2005 ---(World Year of Physics)---
Mar 07-18: Master Classes (Katarina)



Terminated Projects


Names, addresses

Guidelines for this page

This html-page is found at /websider/epf/epf_outreach/index.html. Everyone can edit it. When someone has some information about the 'EPF Outreach' project (do we have a better name?) to give to the others, e.g. the birth of a grand idea, the realisation of an idea etc., this file is where to put that information. And, for this file to be of any use, we must all keep reading and editing it.

The categories:
- Under 'Calendar' relevant deadlines etc. are listed. (Does anyone know how to in a simple way use tabulators in html?)
- Ideas which are not yet being realised are put under 'Ideas'.
- When an idea is being realised (someone has taken responsability etc.), 'Project' is where to put the information. The name of the 'project leader/members' should be stated. Sometimes (hopefully) an item listed under 'Ideas' will be developed into a project. When this happens, the item should be moved from 'Ideas' to 'Projects'.
- Under 'Names, addresses' relevant contact information (to journalists, information employees etc.) should be put.
- Additional files or web pages for ideas or projects should be placed under /websider/epf/epf_outreach/ (or your home/data disk) and linked to from this document. Make sure that they are open for reading(/writing).

Everyone is free to change the structure of this document, e.g. add new categories. A good rule is to keep it simple and easily maintainable.