Design a Page for the Particle Adventure

We will feature pages we like in the Particle Adventure.

Contributions are welcome from everyone, but especially from students and teachers.

particles, detectors, accelerators, people

any format is OK. You can send us everything from handwritten/handdrawn copies to HTML computer files. We will provide help if needed.
We suggest eye-catching graphics and limited text. It is best to separate text and graphics as much as possible. Remember to use full color.

You can re-design an existing page if you wish.

You can provide alternative graphics for a page.

We like humor and cartoons. See the Cork Model and Geiger pages.

Send e-mail to PDG@LBL.GOV.

Send postal mail to:
CPEP Particle Adventure
MS 50-308
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA