Last update: October 10, 2013

Homepage for Course FYS4260/FYS9260

"Microsystems and Electronic Packaging & Interconnection Technologies"

(In Norwegian: Mikrosystemer og elektronikk byggemetoder)

Students of FYS4260 and FYS9260 at University of Oslo this semester should use these web pages the course room in Fronter (Click here for Fronter login) for downloading of course material, submission of project reports, information exchange, etc.. For direct contact, please send the e-mail to: Per.Ohlckers(at)  (Replace "(at)" with the arrobe sign @ - done in this way to reduce risk of spam. This applies to all e-mail addresses given here)

Please click Timetable to download the present version of the timetable for the latest semester. Please be aware of possible changes during the semester, for instance if there is a change of company visits.

Leif Halbo and Per Ohlckers (Click for homepage):
"Electronics Components, Packaging and Production"
ISBN 82-992193-2-9

{short description of image}

This textbook is used in the course FYS4260/FYS9260 at University of Oslo in Norway, and in the course ELBMT50 at Vestfold University College. The textbook has been/is used at several other universities, for instance:

This textbook has been used in the course 44130 at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, at KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm, Sweden, at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, at Halmstad University in Halmstad, Sweden, at Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology in Oregon, USA, and at Linkoping University, Campus Norrkoping, Sweden.

Download area:

These downloads are formatted or tried to be formatted in the most accepted formats at date of saving, for instance Word 2003(doc), PowerPoint 2003 (ppt) and Portable Document Format (pdf).  The documents below are available in doc, ppt and pdf  formats. For space and transmission reasons the the files will later also be made available as compressed (zipped) files. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat (Reader)  installed on your computer, please see the instructions below.

.pdf files: In order to view documents in Portable Document Format, you will need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or above (free of charge).

Please also note that during peak hours (10:00 - 17:00 C.E.T.) the download time might be slow and we therefore encourage users to try again at another time.

Please alert webmaster Per Ohlckers by e-mail if you have trouble downloading any of the files:�� Per.Ohlckers(at)  
Another possible bug is that public reading access to the file(s) on the download area of the web server may accidentally have been restricted.

Lecturing schedule for FYS4260/FYS9260 course at the University of Oslo in spring semester year 2012: Timetable in Rich Text Format. A list of obligatory preparations, Syllabus (In English) for the final exam test is given.

PowerPoint presentations of each chapter, as used during the lectures: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 3 update 2009, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 6-2 High_Speed, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, and Summary. In addition, An introduction to Adhesives in Microelectronics and MEMS be found in Adhesives, an introduction to Green Electronics, and a presentation of the development of SA30 Crash Sensor can be downloaded. Warning: A lot graphics meaning a lot of MBytes - only download with high speed internet access. These PowerPoint presentations has been developed in INSIGHT II, a European project sponsored by the EU programme Leonardo da Vinci. Also, there are presentations on: Total Quality Management (TQM), Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

From the above given PowerPoint presentations, the following are mandatory reading for FYS 4260 spring semester 2012 students: "Chapter 1" to "Chapter 9", "Adhesives", Green Electronics", "TQM", "SPC" and "FMEA". The "Summary" file is highly recommended to identify the most important parts of the mandatory readings.

Also, a guide on Scientific Writing can be downloaded by clicking here for ppt version, or here for pdf version. or here for odp version. In the course projects, the reports shall be written as scientific papers in the IEEE format, available in different software formats like doc and LTex2e formats by downloading from IEEE Author Digital Tool Box. The Word version can be downloaded by clicking IEEE Journal Paper Template.

In addition, an informal guide by S. Senturia can be downloaded here.

Presentations from the STIMESI-II Course part (Used at SINTEF MiNaLab on March 15, 2012, and at regular lectures in 2013):

Generic MEMS technology: (Obligatory reading for spring 2013 students):


Wet Bulk Micromachining.ppt

SensoNor technology descriptions (Obligatory reading for spring 2013 students):
8-MPart2(MPW_Process_Description I).ppt

Tronic's technology descriptions (Obligatory reading for spring 2013 students):

STIMESI Hands-On Training Material can be downloaded by clicking here.

Presentation of MiNaLab (NOT obligatory reading for spring 2013 students):

Additional PowerPoint presentations (NOT obligatory reading for spring 2013 students):
More information on High Frequency Design can be found in High Speed Course.
More information on High Frequency Design and Flex Prints can be found in Chapter 6.7-6.10.
An introduction to Cooling of Electronics can be found in Intro_Cooling (Sorry, only a Norwegian version yet)

Frode Strisland lectures 2006. (NOT obligatory reading for spring 2013 students):
: CH3_Materialer_2006.pdf and CH8_Keramikkhybrider_2006.pdf (Norwegian text)

An example of a project presentation by earlier students can be downloaded here:


The video for the textbook and FYS4260 course: "An Introduction to Electronic packaging and Interconnection Technologies":

FYS4260IntroVideo.mp4 Warning: 176 MBytes!

From DuPont on Multilayer Ceramic Technology:

If you are using software with a DVD Codec: Unzip and start by launching the file VIDEO_TS.IFO. Warning: 415 MBytes unzipped!

If If you are using software that can play MPEG4:

DuPont.avi  Warning: 191 MBytes!

From SensoNor: Their marketing movie on their microsystem technologies can be downloaded as mp4 file:

Sensonor.mp4 Warning: 43 MBytes!

From ESEC: Their marketing video shows the power of highly automated electronic packaging technology:

If If you are using software that can play MPEG4:ESEC_FYS4260Video.mp4 Warning:  176 MBytes!

or avi format: ESEC_FYS4260Video.avi Warning:  62 MBytes!

Below follows a download area with restricted access:

All or some of these files have password protection to protect them from unauthorized use. The password protected documents should only be downloaded and used based upon an agreement with Per Ohlckers regulating the use.

The textbook is also available as a set of word files of the different parts or chapters (Word 2000 and up): Front Page of  the book (306 k), Back Page (22 k), Book Shoulder (20 k) Introduction (58 kb) including Table of Contents, Chapter 1 (131 kb), Chapter 2 (9,5 Mb), Chapter 3 (3,6 Mb), Chapter 4 (5.2 Mb), Chapter 5 (4,5 Mb), Chapter 6 (4,6 Mb), Chapter 7 (8,7 Mb), Chapter 8 (3,9 Mb) and Chapter 9 (22,6 Mb). Be warned: A lot of graphics meaning a lot MBytes - only download with high speed internet access. These files can be downloaded free of charge., but please refer to the book or the source material used in the book if used in any publications.

The textbook is also available as a set of Portable Document Format (pdf) files of the different parts or chapters (Use for instance Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files): Front Page of  the book (375 k), Back Page (51 k), Book Shoulder (31 k) Introduction (103 kb) including Table of Contents, Chapter 1 (122 kb), Chapter 2 (6,5 Mb), Chapter 3 (3,5 Mb), Chapter 4 (6,4 Mb), Chapter 5 (5,7 Mb), Chapter 6 (4,5 Mb), Chapter 7 (11,3 Mb), Chapter 8 (4,4 Mb) and Chapter 9 (11,3 Mb). Be warned: A lot of graphics meaning a lot MBytes - only download with high speed internet access. These files can be downloaded free of charge., but please refer to the book or the source material used in the book if used in any publications.

End of download area with restricted access.

Course FYS317/3260/4260 tests

Word files of course FYS317 tests given at University of Oslo during the last years: Test 94, Test 95, Test 96, Test 97, Test 98, Test 99, Test 00, Test 01, Test 02, Test 03, Test 04, Test 05, Test06Test07, Test08, Test09, Test10, Test11, Test12 and Test13. These can be used as Hands-on exercises.

Guide to answers some of these tests: Guide 94, Guide 97, Guide 99, Guide 00, Guide 01, Guide 02, Guide 03, Guide 04, Guide 05, Guide 06Guide 07 , Guide 08, Guide 09, Guide10 and Guide11, Guide12.and Guide13.

It is strongly recommended that the students as a preparation for the test try solve tests from earlier years. In this way they will be familiar with the typical way tests are made, at least as long as Per Ohlckers is main lecturer. They will also get a better understanding of which parts of the course that are considered most important. The tests are made to make the sensor best possible able to distinguish the competence level between the students. The easiest questions shall show whether the student has minor basic understanding of the field. The most difficult questions shall show which students should get top score because they have a thorough in-depth understanding and knowledge in the field to describe the different technologies accurately and to assess them compared to related technologies, as well as know important more detailed matters, such as material properties etc. In between the easy and the most difficult questions there will be questions ranging from modest easy to modest difficult. A good test tactic is to set your score ambition level during the preparation, and first start to acquire a basic knowledge, understanding and overview of the field, and then dive into more thorough and detailed matters. For instance, being able to describe thick film technology and compare it with thin film technology is the kind of knowledge you should be familiar with before you start with more detailed matters, like for instance being able to do comparisons of dielectric constants of frequently used materials.

Abstract of book

The book is primarily meant for university education in introductory electronic packaging technology. An overview is given, that encompasses materials aspects, metallurgy, chemistry, physical, and mechanical properties. An understanding of the interplay of all these basic fields is necessary for choosing and using the available packaging technologies optimally, making a good design that can result in a product with the right quality. Component technologies are described, basic processing methods, printed wiring boards, design guidelines, the production of printed circuit boards and the common hybrid technologies, including multichip modules.

The book is based on a course presented at the University of Oslo over the last 6 years. It is written with financial support from the European COMETT program, as part of the project COMETT INSIGHT.

The first edition was published in 1993. The most important change in this revised edition from 1995 is an additional chapter on micromachined devices. (Chapter 9) The other chapters have only minor changes.

Table of Contents

If you click on the specific chapters that are marked as available html files on the web,   you may have a closer look. Warning: You should only do this if you have a high speed internet access, as these files are loaded with links to large sized figure files, calling for several Mbytes to be transmitted.






Chapter 6: PCB DESIGN




Hard copies available as a paperbacks for a price of NOK 150,- per copy from:

Per Ohlckers, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1048, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo.

An introduction video is available. Lecturing transparencies are available for lecturers, either by downloading from this web site, or as printouts on terms to be agreed on.

E-mail ordering: Send E-mail to Per Ohlckers by clicking at his E-mail address: Per.Ohlckers(at)


The FYS317 Course at the University of Oslo is for the spring semesters of 2000, 2002 and 2003 sponsored by SINTEF Instrumentation and Microelectronics. If you want to know more of their contract research capabilities, please go to their web site by clicking on the SINTEF logo below.

{short description of image}

You may also contact Research Manager Ole Christian Bendixen by clicking at his E-mail address: Ole.C.Bendixen(at)

The microsystem company Diamond Nanomachines as , earlier Fifty four point Seven as, has also sponsored this course at the University of Oslo. Please go to their web page for more information by clicking their logo. (Not active by November 2011)

The research programs COMETT and Leonardo da Vinci of the of the European Union have sponsored the textbook and transparency series developments. The Norwegian Research Council has sponsored the textbook development.

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