

Sunday May 20


19:00 – 21:00              Registration and reception with wine and cheese

                                    (Location: Physics building, room FV139)


Monday May 21


08:30 – 09:00              Registration and coffee

                                    (Location: Physics building, outside room FV232, Lille Fy)


09:00                           Welcome and opening of workshop

Sunniva Siem (chairman) and

Pro-rector Haakon Breien Benestad


First session               Chair: Eivind Osnes

09:40                           Nuclear physics aspects of p-process nucleosynthesis

                                    Sotirios Harrisopulos

10:20                           Continuous spectroscopy for nuclear structure and

astrophysics: from stable to exotic nuclei

Andreas Schiller


11:00                           Coffee break


Second session           Chair: Lee Bernstein

11:30                           Systematics of level density parameters

                                    Till von Egidy

12:10                           Nuclear Level Densities

                                    Steve Grimes

12:50                           Masses and fission barriers of atomic nuclei

                                    Krzysztof Pomorski


13:30                           Lunch


Third session              Chair: Magne Guttormsen

15:00                           Two-step cascade method

                                    Frantisek Beckvar

15:40                           Neutron capture measurements with DANCE

                                    Gary Mitchell

16:20                           Is there an enhancement of photon strength at low

                                    gamma-ray energies in Mo isotopes?

                                    Milan Krticka


17:00                           End of day


17:30                           Pizza and beer in Blindernkjelleren

Tuesday May 22


08:30 – 09:00              Coffee

                                    (Location: Physics building, outside room FV232, Lille Fy)


First session               Chair: Milan Krticka

09:00                           Giant resonances, fine structure, wavelets and spin- and

parity-resolved level densities

                                    Achim Richter

09:40                           Properties of hot nuclei at extreme angular momenta

                                    Adam Maj

10:20                           The giant dipole resonance, new measurements

Franco Camera


11:00                           Coffee break


Second session           Chair: Andreas Schiller

11:30                           Superradiance effects, collectivity and chaos

in the continuum

                                    Vladimir Zelevinsky

12:10                           Particle-number conservation for pairing transition in

finite systems

Kazunari Kaneko

12:50                           Theoretical predictions of effective GDR width at

high spins from the thermal shape fluctuation model

                                    Katarzyna Mazurek


13:30                           Lunch


Third session              Chair: Adam Maj

15:00                           Strength distribution in the decay-out of SD bands

                                    Araceli Lopez-Martens

15:40                           Landscapes and fluctuations of two-dimensional

rotational spectra

                                    Thomas Døssing

16:20                           Poster session


17:00                           End of day

Wednesday May 23


08:30 – 09:00              Coffee

                                    (Location: Physics building, outside room FV232, Lille Fy)


First session               Chair: Thomas Døssing

09:00                           Emergence of phase transitions with size

                                    Stefan G. Frauendorf

09:40                           Phase transitions in nuclei and compact stars

                                    Philippe Chomaz

10:20                           Quantum fluctuations of pairing in finite systems

                                    Sven Åberg


11:00                           Coffee break


Second session           Chair: Sunniva Siem

11:30                           Heat capacities of 56Fe and 57Fe

                                    Emel Algin

12:10                           Level densities in closed shell nuclei

                                    Naeem Ul Hasan Syed

12:50                           Experimental level densities and gamma-ray

strength functions in the f7/2 nuclei 44,45Sc and 50,51V

                                    Ann-Cecilie Larsen

13:30                           The 3 MeV pygmy resonance in 163,164Dy

                                    Hilde Therese Nyhus


13:45                           Lunch


Third session              Chair: Gary Mitchell

15:00                           Challenges on phase transitions and gamma

strength functions

                                    Magne Guttormsen

15:40                           Discussion on phase transitions

Discussion on gamma strength functions                           


17:00                           End of day


20:00                           Workshop dinner at Holmenkollen Restaurant


Thursday May 23


09:30 – 10:00              Coffee

                                    (Location: Physics building, outside room FV232, Lille Fy)


First session               Chair: Sven Åberg

10:00                           Shell model Monte Carlo approach to level densities:

from medium-mass to heavy deformed nuclei

                                    Yoram Alhassid

10:40                           Microscopic calculation of symmetry projected nuclear

level densities

                                    Kris Van Houcke

11:20                           Microcanonical level densities of non-magic nuclei

Robert Pezer


12:00                           Coffee break


Second session           Chair: Finn Ingebretsen

12:30                           Nuclear physics in the continuum: surrogate reactions and

nuclear physics using the national ignition facility

                                    Lee Bernstein

13:10                           Structures in the continuum of light nuclei

                                    Markus Norrby


13:50                           Concluding remarks by John Rekstad

                                    End of workshop




All talks are to be held in the Physics building, room FV232

(Lille Fysiske Auditorium)