Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP)

CPEP is a non-profit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists located around the world. CPEP materials (charts, software, text) present the current understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy, incorporating the major research findings of recent years. During the last ten years, CPEP has distributed more than 100,000 copies of its charts and other products.

Featured topics:
Fundamental Particles and Interactions
Plasmas and Fusion Physics

NEW! Enjoy our new feature: The Particle Adventure: An interactive tour of the inner workings of the atom and the tools for discovery.

Other materials about particle physics are available from the Particle Data Group.

YOU can contribute to our effort:
Design a page for our Particle Adventure (by students, teachers, and others).
Write a paragraph "What originally excited me about physics" or "What fascinates me about physics?" (by physicists and physics fans).

Send us your comments: We appreciate your comments and suggestions and also your messages concerning any problems you encounter with our WWW presentation.

Michael Barnett