fundamental? The modern atom model The scale of the atom What are we looking for? The standard model The standard model quiz
The Particle Adventure is a constantly evolving educational project sponsored by the Particle Data Group of the at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Project History: Supervision by Michael Barnett and Andria Erzberger. 2008 Revision: Paul Schaffner 2000 Revision: Lincoln-Shaun Sanders 1999 Revision: Joshua Lewis and Chuck Groom 1996 Revision: Chuck Groom 1995 Web Version: Carolyn Mockett Forerunner Supercard (TM) application developed by Andria Erzberger and her students, with physics assistance from Michael Barnett (LBNL) and Helen Quinn (SLAC), and technical assistance from James Quinn. Other Thanks: We would also like to thank the members of the Particle Data Group at LBNL, in particular Betty Armstrong. |