Unsolved Mysteries - Forces and the Grand Unified Theory
Physicists hope that a Grand Unified Theory will unify
the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions.
There have been several proposed Unified Theories, but
we need data to pick which, if any, of these theories describes
If a Grand Unification of all the interactions is possible,
then all the interactions we observe are all different aspects of the same,
unified interaction. However,
how can this be the case if strong and weak
and electromagnetic interactions are so
different in strength and effect?
Strangely enough, current data and theory
suggests that these varied
forces merge into one force when the
particles being affected are at a high enough energy.
Current work on GUT suggests the existence of another force-carrier
particle that causes the proton to decay. Such decays are extremely rare;
a proton's lifetime is more than 1032 years.