The Standard Model - What holds it together? - Strong
To understand what is happening inside the nucleus, we need to understand
more about the quarks that make up the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
Quarks have electromagnetic charge, and they also have an altogether
different kind of
charge called color charge. The force between color-charged particles
is very strong, so this force is "creatively" called
The strong force holds quarks together to form hadrons, so its carrier particles are
whimsically called
gluons because they so tightly "glue" quarks together.
(Other name candidates included the "hold-on," the "duct-tape-it-on," and the "tie-it-on!")
Color charge behaves differently than electromagnetic charge.
Gluons, themselves,
have color charge, which is weird and not at all like photons which
do not have
electromagnetic charge. And while quarks have color charge, composite particles made out of
quarks have no net color charge (they are color neutral).
For this reason, the strong force only takes place on the really small level of quark interactions,
which is why you are not aware of the strong force in your everyday life.